Work With Carmen

TheĀ Way of the WildpreneurTM

Mindful Wisdom for a Flourishing Business

Acts of Restorative Kindness

If you’ve been in the online business space for a hot minute, I’m sure you’ve heard a lot of lip service about showing up “authentically” in your marketing.

Be vulnerable. Let them see the “real” you.

Based on the curated IG and TikTok videos I’ve...

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The Doorstep Mile

About to step across the threshold—backpack on, shoes laced up, route mapped, door wide open—and there I stop, immobile. 

Have you ever found yourself struggling to take the first step? That, my friend, is where I find myself.

The Norwegians have a word for it, ...

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The Tracks We Follow

It’s 5 am my alarm sounds. I consider hitting snooze, as one does. And then, I hear it. 

The sounds of the lions calling—literally from the other side of the screen.

All I can think is, “Will we find the lions today?! How fast can I get dressed? Can I go to the Land Rover,...

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Why we listen . . .

It’s spring here in central PA, which means on a warm sunny day you can hear wood frogs calling to their mates. You’ll also hear neighbors exclaim, “I heard the frogs have you!?!”

The frogs are the sign that we’re ALMOST through the dark, winter months. Summer is on...

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Eat the Cake & Keep Shipping!

“Eat the cake! It’s not the cake that will kill you. It’s all the other choices you make in a month.”

This piece of wellness advice struck me—it wasn’t about being perfect—it was about what you do after the imperfect happens.

You don't have to quit just...

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Keeping Your Personal & Work Life Separate . . . or not

Society trains us to compartmentalize — work in one box and personal in another.

How's that working for you? Especially this past year.

Not well, would be my guess.

There is another way, a way to live holistically as you grow your business. 

Bringing together the Spiritual and Business

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Working through Resistance

I sat down to write yesterday and it didn’t work, at least I didn’t think it did.

What happened:

I sat down with clear parameters outlined at the top of my document for what I wanted from my piece: character count, voice, tone, reminder and topic all spelled out.


I started...

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Start With What You Don't Want

Several years ago, I moved to London for an extended stay.

An exciting opportunity and everything confused me.

The little details of everyday life overwhelmed me. Tasks that were normally easy felt difficult.

How to get groceries—without a car.

How to find American peanut butter.

How to...

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Are you running a sprint or a marathon?

Entrepreneur culture is ripe with the message that you SHOULD hustle, slay, kill it, do all the things RIGHT NOW, or you will fail. 

We know that if we try and do ALL the things for ALL the people, it is a recipe for BURN out.

Why would we think that work in the time of Coronavirus would be...

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Exploring What's Possible

We are living in uncertain and extra-ordinary times. Everything that we took for granted a month, a week, a day ago—kids being in school, flying to a conference, going to visit a loved one, going on a plane to vacation—are all on hold, indefinitely.

It feels much like someone...

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Is it time for a vision board refresh?

I have had the SAME vision board since I started my business back in 2010.

This morning it fell off the wall above the aforementioned whiteboard where it normally hangs forgotten. I looked at it and realized it was time for a refresh.

Yep. I have had the SAME vision board. How? What I do now is...

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Radishes, Mint and Marketing!

I was at the local market last week when this display stopped me in my tracks! 


I couldn't get enough of it. The colors. The smell. It made every cell of my being tingle! We walked away with bunches of radishes and mint. 

On the drive home, I was struck by how excited...

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