Work With Carmen

The Way of the WildpreneurTM

Humanity-first Approach to Business

Ready. Set. Go. Reset.
Ready. Set. Go. Reset.

Being an entrepreneur is hard. It is personal, intimate work.

And when things don’t go as planned, either in your business or in your personal life —

you send out a newsletter, and a reader tries to shame you for homeschooling your children,

‍a contractor...

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Gold 🌟Stars

Culture teaches us to solve our problems with our beautiful minds.

It teaches us from an early age that the only way to a gold star is through following the rules and being "smart."

We quickly learn to push down all the pesky emotions that get in the way of being logical and rational.

I mean we...

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An Easy Button for Your Business

An easy button. Wouldn’t it be grand if we could all have one for our business creation?

I know I would like one.

Sadly, there isn’t one. I’ve looked high and low — no easy button.

That doesn’t mean that being an entrepreneur is all hard work and hustle.



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Trust Yourself Enough

What would happen if you trusted yourself enough to develop your craft?

Sit with that for a moment.   Ask yourself, how does that feel? 

A little scary, a little exciting, a little fun? A little bit of all the things? 

Yep, that's what I feel–all the things. 

I know the...

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The Four Pillars of doing business the Middle Way

Are you ready to stop hustling and check-in with your business?

Creating an aligned business can be as simple as remembering to check-in with these four pillars to find the middle way to do business. 

Checking-in falls into the simple, not easy category.

I encourage everyone to check-in with...

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Money 💵 One of Culture’s Taboos

Money one of culture’s taboos.

Phillip Pullman says, “I feel not a flicker of shame about declaring that I want as much money for my work as I can get. But, of course, what the money is buying, what it’s for, is security, and space, and peace and quiet, and time.”...

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